2024-2025 Artist in Residence Application

Applications open July 16-Aug 25, 2024

Each year, artists are invited to apply to our “TEST SITE” Artist-in-Residency Program. Selected by a guest juror, two artists are awarded 24-hour access to personal studio space at the Bountiful Davis Art Center during the 2024-25 school year to encourage experimentation while working towards a solo exhibitions in our Annex Gallery. 

During their residency, our artists gain invaluable insight into working with an art gallery while receiving support to advance their careers. Throughout the year, our Exhibitions Director, Bren Larsen, will arrange at least two studio visits to discuss their artwork and plan for the spring exhibition. Additionally, BDAC will coordinate a studio visit with another artist or curator relevant to each artist's practice. These interactions not only help artists experiment with new techniques but also prepare them for their future career paths by expanding their professional network and enhancing their artistic development and presentation to the general public.

During their residency, artists will be asked to periodically promote their work and engage with the public during opening receptions throughout the year by hosting open studio hours. Selected artists also have the option to lead workshops, gallery talks, or panel discussions. Based on their preferences and comfort levels, artists will work with Bren Larsen to determine the structure and schedule of these activities.


Applications are open: July 16-Aug 25, 2024 (at midnight)

Selected artists notified: Aug 30, 2024 via email

Residency Start Date: September 9, 2024 (flexible)

Residency Exhibition Date: Spring 2025 (May 30- July 3, 2024, approx.)

Residency End Date: May 31, 2025 


  • Letter of Intent - Describe the project that you would like to pursue or topic that you would like to research during your residency at BDAC.  Include how your participation in this program will benefit your practice.  Include the titles, dimensions, and mediums of your artworks at the bottom of this document. (Submit as a PDF.)
  • CV/Resume w/ References (Submit as a PDF)
  • Artist Statement - Between 250 to 500 words. (Copy and paste into submission box.)
  • Artist Bio- Between 250 to 500 words. (Copy and paste into submission box.)
  • Documentation of work - Please provide up to 8 images of your artwork. 
  • $20 application fee (paid online)

You are allowed up to 10 image/document uploads with your application. Use up to 8 for images of your artwork and the remainder for your accompanying Letter of Intent and CV.

In the application, it will ask you for a TITLE. Please write your name in that space.

If you need help registering for an account, please watch the YouTube video linked at the bottom of this page.

Detailed Instructions on How to Create an ArtCall.org Profile (Required for submitting artwork.)